Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Hunter Boot

The Hunter Boot, (Based on a true story)

I saw my first pair of Hunters on telly,
Young Kate Moss was on, strutting through mud.
Suddenly it was THE essential festival wellie,
Now as I’d always thought, “Wouldn’t it be good”?
“To have the smartest feet at my allotment” - now I could!!!

So I waited the next morning in line,
It had turned mine was not a unique idea,
Before me the girls who raised swine and equine,
PLUS the ones for whom fashion held dear.
I reversed the big ‘Queue This Way’ sign,
And the first pair of Hunters were mine,
Now I breeze through the mire in top gear!

That pair’s been with me through thick and thin,
And they still fit me just like kid gloves.
There’s no way they’ll end up in the bin,
As they’ve treated my toes with such love.
They’ll be passed on to my next of kin,
As I’m hoping a new pair I’ll win,
Because these are the only boots I’d be proud of!
By Jenny Simm

Winner receives a Free set of Hunter Wellingtons, for more details on how to enter check out http://www.targetwholesale.co.uk/ Official Hunter Boot Dealer.